The Crash of Reality


This morning started so well. There was sunshine, the silvery, misty, after-a-rain-shower kind of early Autumn sunlight that makes everything glow around the edges. There was coffee, strong and hot and deliciously reviving. And then I experienced a little crash of reality: Math. Why must there always be more math?

It’s simple, really. I’m not using up my stash as quickly as I am acquiring it. Observe this chart:

Stash Status, in yards

Stash Status, in yards

As you can see, I have made some fair headway on using up that lovely yarn.  However, there is still more than 17,000 yards of the stuff, unworked and simply waiting, packed away in ziplocked bags and airtight plastic tubs. At least it’s mostly contained to one room of the house. For those of you following along, no. No, I don’t have any idea how I could simultaneously use up 4000 yards and still manage to have 7000 more stashed, than when I started back in January. This seems like pretty solid proof, in my book at least, that stashes are sentient and reproduce! Or perhaps this is some sort of yarny version of the Kobayashi Maru?

So, my status as a SABLEite continues, even before going to OFFF later this month. I’m ok with it., though. If/when the zombie apocalypse comes, I’ll be extra-prepared.

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